Saturday, 29 September 2012

What a Girl Really Wants . . . .

Many of my guy friends have this question in their mind . . . .What a Girl Really Wants????? So this one’s for all of them!
The answer is quite simple but till a guy understands it, it’s too late... Girls want lot of things but if you give it a thought you would realize the things don’t need much effort. Starting from the most important one . . . .
Every girl (be it a stud type one or a simple traditional one) wants someone who will treat her like his Princess. Reason???? . . . . . .Every girl wants to be treated as a Princess by her guy because since her birth her parents have treated her like one. And . . . . when some girls don't get this treatment at home, they even more desperately want their guy to treat them like a Princess. Today’s girls are independent and strong but when they go out with their guy they want him to realize that even if they are independent they are GIRLS. Girls really like guys to pull chairs for them or open doors for them. Girls want you to show them that you care . . . . . Girls want their guy to say “Whose ass am I kicking???” when they go crying to them.
Then, Gifts!!!! What you guys think is girls expect costly and fancy gifts from you but . . . .if a guy gives a girl just a rose but truly from his heart the girl would be equally happy. It’s not the cost of the gift what matters; it is the feelings behind the gift.
A girl also wants her guy to make her feel she is world’s most beautiful girl even if she is not. She wants other girls to get jealous of her instead of getting jealous of other girls. When she does silly things in public she wants you not to get embarrassed or ashamed. 
Girls really like to know that they were on your mind. She wants to get a text or a call from you unexpectedly.  
Doing these small things won’t matter much to you guys but for the girls, these things mean a lot. So . . . . if doing such things doesn't require much effort from you but still matter a lot to her then why not to do so????
Many guys would be thinking . . . . what would they get in return if they treat their girl in the same way??? I am sure that your girl would give you all the happiness she can! She would be there besides you even when you don’t need her actually. She won’t ever leave you alone. She would just hold your hand and make you realize that you are not alone. She would support you. She would make you realize how beautiful the world is!
So guys just try this once. Give your 1% effort and see what you get in return!!!!!

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