Thursday 31 May 2012

Falling in Love....

How to measure Love? How to figure out who loves you more? How to estimate the quantity of Love?  Do I Love the other person? Does that person love me? I Love him more or he loves me more? Does he trust me? Do I trust him? Will he break my trust? Should I break his trust?
There are several such questions about love but who is the exact person to whom we can ask these questions? Who knows the exact answers?????
There is no one on this earth who can give us the exact answers to these questions.  In fact the question should be why we need to actually ask these questions? Is there anyone who can count love? Is there anyone who can see love? Who can calculate the amount of trust? Oh no ways…God created the feeling called Love. He brought this feeling in every person’s mind. Love is a feeling which is just to be felt and trust is another feeling which you feel when you fall in love. Now, is god supposed to answer all our baseless questions???
When you really fall in love, you are not in the state of asking some stupid questions. It doesn’t matter to you if the other person loves you or not. You trust that person completely but you never think that will he/she ever break my trust? Is doesn’t really matter because you would have entirely given yourself to that person irrespective of the thing that whether he/she loves you or not. The whole world doesn’t matter in front of that single person. What the world says, what the world feels is just is not what the people think when they fall in love. And about trust…you don’t give even one thought to the question of breaking the other person’s trust. You really can’t think of anything else other than that person.
But, there are several times when people ask these questions in spite of the thing that they say they love that person. There is a very small difference in the framing of the statement but a huge difference in the framing of the feelings. It is said by many that you can be in love just once but according to me being in love is not a big deal. You can be in love several times but falling in love can happen just once. You can be in love with many people at the same time but you cannot fall in love with many people. That revolution in our life takes place once and only once.
But, is it necessary that if you fall in love then the other person must also love you back??? NO!!! Always think about what you give to other and not what you get in return. Fall in love, express your love but don’t force the other person to love you back. It would be a relationship based on just compulsion. Instead base your relationship on just three things- love, trust and respect. When you fall in love, it is the base of you sweet cake of relationship. When you start trusting that person then it is the spongy cake and the most important thing is the icing of respect without which any cake is waste. If you have these three layers in your cake it would last for something which seems like forever.
Actually, many of my teenage friends feel that true love does not exist or falling in love and all the stuff is just imaginary and I know many of you would also be feeling the same. But, hey that’s not true….you people feel that because you have just experienced being in love but once you fall in love, you would realize that true love actually exist and what a beautiful feeling it is! So, guys instead of assuming that there is no such feeling called true love be open to the world. Experience the world. Experience being in love and then one day you will surely fall in love and bake your own cake of relationship.
Come, let’s fall in love……

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